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Returns and Cancellations


Once an order is delivered to you, you can return that within 7 working days of delivery only in case the size, color, or product you received is not the same as the one purchased. For the rest of the cases, the return is not allowed.

To be eligible for a return, you have to write us to our contact email in order to get the return instructions, and the merchandise must be unused and in the same condition that you received it and must be in the original packaging. The original packaging must not be damaged and include all original labels, etc. If you do not comply with any of the above conditions, we reserve the right to refuse the return.

Please note that if you comply with the return conditions, you will be fully refunded for the returned items to the same original method of payment within 30 days after we receive the products.


Orders that you submit online are processed immediately and may not be canceled.


Any complaints regarding service delivery or products bought by buyers through this website, please email us at:

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